What Is Bounce Rate? 6 Ways To Reduce The Bounce Rate Of The Website


Coming to the website means that everything on your blog is going well, but that's not the case. You may be getting the desired number of visitors to your site, but that's not the end of the story. One of the ways to consider whether a website is working properly is to bounce the website. The bounce rate of the website gives a clear idea of ​​how the site is performing and how it will perform in the future. Let's first know what is the bounce rate?


What is Bounce Rate?

Bouncerate is a metric of Google Analytics. Before understanding bounce rate we need to understand what is bounce?

When a visitor enters your website and does not engage in any kind of engagement with your website while he is on that page, that is, he does not click on any button, does not click on any page link, does not click on menu, your site Comes out of your website directly without visiting any other page.

Then Google Analytics server does not get any kind of trigger from that visitor. As a result of bouncing visitors in this way, only one page visit count in analytics. This is called bounce.

So what is bounce rate?

Suppose a total of 100 visitors to the home page of your website within a specified period of time (say 7 days), out of which 30 have already left the home page, have not visited any other page of your site.

What is the standard bounce rate%?

Now the question is, will we work on the target? What should be the standard of bounce rate of our website?

Personally, I think a 30% bounce rate is tolerable for any website. I think even 40-55% bounce rate and average calculation. However, if the bounce rate of the site is more than 80%, it is a matter of concern. And you should work on it seriously.

What are the problems if the bounce rate is high?

Not everything is understood, what kind of problem can occur if the bounce rate of the site is high? Think of something very simple. Google always wants to show the most relevant results in search

queries. By the way, if the bounce rate of your website is 60% now, it means that most of the visitors enter your site and leave immediately.

That means he did not get the desired result. Google then realizes that your webpage is not up to the mark for this search query. Then Google will leave your website behind in the search results and give place to other websites.

Again, if the opposite is true, that is, if the bounce rate is 30%, then the visitor enters that page and is visiting some more pages. Then Google understands that the visitor has found the desired result. This means that low bounce rate search engines are able to understand that this result is relevant for search queries.


Here are 7 things you can do to reduce your website's bounce rate

01. Loading speed

Loading speed plays a special role in increasing the bounce rate of a website. We already know that if a website does not load within 3 seconds, 30% of visitors will leave without visiting that page. In other words, if you want to reduce the bounce rate of the website, you have to bring the loading speed of the website below 3 seconds at the beginning.

I have written a detailed article about the loading speed of the website - you can see it here.


02. User experience

User experience is very important for any website. The design of the whole site must be user friendly. So that a visitor can navigate the webpage without any hassle. If the user interface is bad for any reason, visitors will not stay on that page for long, which will increase your bounce rate.


03. Not using irrelevant keywords

There was a time when the site could be ranked on relevant keywords using the Black Hat technique. It still goes, but you have to be careful. Suppose you are working on a blog related to online marketing, you have heard from someone that it is possible to make a good profit by selling health related products. Then if you post health related content on your online marketing related blog then the chances of getting hit are 100%.

Because when visitors come to your blog to learn about online marketing and see articles about health, visitors are more likely to bounce back. As a result, your bounce rate is likely to increase.


04. Be careful about writing content

Those of us who work online and with SEO are very familiar with the term "Content is King" that content plays an important role in the whole website. If the content of your site is good, even if the design quality is of fair quality, the visitors will stay on the site.

So be careful when writing content. Avoiding difficult and incomprehensible words should be written in a simple way. Otherwise, the visitor may get annoyed after reading the post. As a result, the binary rate of the site is likely to increase.


05. Internal linking

Internal linking is one of the ways to keep visitors stuck on the site for a long time. Let's say you have 4 posts in the SEO category on your website.

Basic SEO




Now you have internally linked other posts such as outreach, guest post and backlink posts in Relevant Way in Basic SEO article. As a result, visitors will be interested in basic SEO as well as other things to click on the link and spend more time on the site.


06. Do not use additional ads (do not call pop up ads)

The advertising thing is always annoying. You ask yourself. How do you like to see ads? Of course the answer would be annoying. There are many sides who start from headers, footers, post soundbars and advertise on the site 2-3 inches apart. Which is annoying for the visitor. The less ads you use on the website, the better.

Then there is the need for advertising in terms of income, but it should not be a cause of annoyance to visitors. (Personally I am not in favor of placing pop-up ads on the site)


07. Arrange for visitors to participate

In any case, the chances of increasing the bounce rate of the site are reduced by arranging the participation of visitors to the website. This can be done through various polls / surveys. Visitor participation can also be increased by introducing comment options on the site.

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